This handbook is an overview of diagnostic approaches and treatment guidelines. We hope this handbook will provide trainees in pediatric hematology, as well as staff in related medical or other healthcare disciplines, with an easily accessible and practical source of information about the basic principles of childhood hematological disorders, as well as much of the more detailed specialist knowledge required to care for children with these conditions.
This handbook is divided into seven sections: Anemia, bleeding disorder, platelets disorders, thrombosis, white blood cells disorders, and miscellaneous topics i.e. neonatal hematology, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, vascular anomalies, blood products, and morphology. The book concludes with a general information section, including information about normal values of laboratory tests, the inheritance pattern of pediatric hematological disorders, and some helpful guidelines for corticosteroid therapy, febrile neutropenia, bleeding assessment, and procedures.
To preserve their easy readability, the text remains structured using short sentences in bullet points. Detailed mechanistic explanations or descriptions of the original data underlying recommendations have been avoided. However, all relevant references are listed at the end of each chapter. Many figures, schematic diagrams, boxes, and tables enhance the usefulness of the text, as does reader-friendly design.
We hope you find it useful.